Gratar din otel, cunoscut și sub denumirea de grătar de bară sau grătar metalic, este un ansamblu de grilă deschisă de bare metalice, în care barele de rulment, alergând într-o singură direcție, sunt distanțate prin atașare rigidă la barele transversale care rulează perpendicular pe acestea sau prin bare de legătură îndoite care se extind între ele, care este conceput pentru a susține sarcini grele cu greutate minimă. It is widely used as floors, mezzanines, I Type Fabricate grătare din oțel, fencing, trench covers and maintenance platforms in factories, workshops, sălile motoarelor, trolley channels, heavy loading areas, boiler equipment and heavy equipment areas, I Type Fabricate grătare din oțel.
The main products are galvanized steel grating、grătar din oțel inoxidabil、welded steel grating、press-locked steel grating、press-locked steel grating and swage-locked grating.
Mild carbon steel provides an economical, high strength for uses in most industrial and commercial applications. And hot dipped galvanized surface treatment supplies excellent corrosion resistance performance for durability.
Steel grating is available in various material, such as stainless steel, aluminum, and galvanized steel. Among them, the galvanized steel grating is the most cost effective and economical type with long service life and high load. And it is the most widely used in both industrial, commercial and residential applications.